File structure in PotterPlus is designed in such a way so that it can be clear what is your configuration and what is added by PotterPlus. For viewing, editing, and managing YAML files, PotterPlus recommends using the program Atom.
Keybindings should roughly be the same on Mac, replacing a Ctrl key press with Cmd. Refer to the Atom flight manual for more help.
To customize your PotterPlus setup, I recommend following the getting started instructions to install via loading it as an example. This will allow you to write your own configuration on top of PotterPlus without needing to navigate the complex file structure.
For example, if you wanted to turn Stupefy from red to blue as it has appeared in some video game portrayals, you could do the following in your spells.yml
icon: diamond_axe{CustomModelData:20}
icon_disabled: diamond_hoe{CustomModelData:20}
- class: EffectSingle
sound: magic.zap
location: origin
class: Cone
iterations: 10
particle: redstone
color: 349beb
lengthGrow: 0.3
radiusGrow: 0.005
updateLocations: false
updateDirections: false
- location: target
class: Sphere
particle: spell_mob
color: 349beb
duration: 50
radius: 0.1
- class: EffectSingle
location: target
sound: magic.hit
firework: burst
color: 349beb